I’m Getting Mixed Signals

Classic case of being overly clever:

Photo by Matt Aromando (2011 – Brookline, MA)

Okay, so you knew you would be selling new clothes. You knew there was a term for old/used clothes. Then you went with the term for old/used clothes to describe your store that sells new clothes? Alright, I get it, you’re trying to be clever, or something. I take two issues with this: 1) The attempt to be clever is so overt that I don’t think it counts as actually being clever. 2) It’s outright confusing! I mean, I get it now. Now that you had to put up this ridiculous sign that explains what’s going on in a clothing store called Vintage that doesn’t, in fact, sell vintage clothes. A better name might have been “New Clothes in an Antiquated Store.” That would even take up less total signage! I like be original as much as the next person (heh) but this is downright silly.

By Matt Aromando

Stand-up, improv, and sketch comedian.

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