What a fascinating life you’ve lived!

A nice view of the Nyhavn Canal area of Copenhagen. I guess. I've never been.

Normally, I wear headphones when I’m traveling around on the subway or taking a walk but I’m trying to take in my environment more, so, I’ve cut down some of my headphone time.

Apparently, without headphones, and my usual scowl, I’m a very approachable person. The other day I was outlining a blog post in my notebook while waiting for the subway. A man sat down next to me on a bench with four or five other people on it. He pointed out how weird it was that six people (by his count) would sit together and not talk to each other. I chuckled at this, partially disproving his point, but he was right. Of course he was right, people who strike up conversations with strangers on the subway are uncommon. I actually thought about engaging with him for a second, but he kept taking. He said, “Oh, I’m sorry, I spent the last year living in Copenhagen. I forgot we aren’t supposed to acknowledge each other here.”

Really? Pull the, “Copenhagen,” card on me? If I had a nickel for every time I’d heard about how friendly the benches were in Copenhagen’s subway stations are…

I need to get to Europe, I guess.

photo credit: archer10 (Dennis) via photopin cc

By Matt Aromando

Stand-up, improv, and sketch comedian.

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