The Rescue: A Halloween Mad Lib

I’m big into Mad Libs (henceforth referred to here as Matt Libs). I’m not sure why but I always have a good time with them and it’s fun to see which of your friends don’t know what an adverb is (and sometimes, more shockingly, a noun). Well I came across this Halloween WackyLib I did… Continue reading The Rescue: A Halloween Mad Lib

Addressing strangers can be even more awkward than I originally thought

photo credit: laffy4k via photopin cc

I’m going to try to cover a lot of ground with this post. I’m going to try to drop some truth and acknowledge how I am ignorant to certain ideas. I was recently at an open mic that was running pretty late into the night. Two gentlemen walked into the bar where the open mic… Continue reading Addressing strangers can be even more awkward than I originally thought

Adding consonants and so forth

“Eck cetera” is not a thing. People who say that are probably thinking of “et cetera,” which is a real thing (shortened as “etc.”) This bothers me in a way that pronouncing the “t” in “often” never could. At least most dictionaries say it’s okay to pronounce “often” that way (it still bugs me). Though I’m… Continue reading Adding consonants and so forth

What is it that you mean? (Part 2)

The other day I wrote about a couple of words that are hard to translate into other languages (and hinted at a second part). Well today, I talk about a word from a list of, 5 More Difficult Words to Translate, from ALTA Language Services. To English speakers, this word will seem common and the word… Continue reading What is it that you mean? (Part 2)

One Year in Blogging

As of today, this blog is one-year-old (or maybe because it’s still an infant we should say 12-months). It doesn’t really feel like it’s been that long, which is good because that means it didn’t end up being a chore, a fear of mine from the beginning. The raw stats: 120 posts for an average of one post… Continue reading One Year in Blogging

What is it that you mean? (Part 1)

I love words. I’m a big fan. I’m not the brightest person when it comes to using words but I’m trying to improve and find them incredibly interesting to learn about. Sometimes this is in the form of over analyzing how sentences are phrased or just looking up the definition of a word I’d never seen before. You know, learning.… Continue reading What is it that you mean? (Part 1)