The Keyboard Writes The Email

I bet parents love tablets. Screens are such an amazing distraction. First, there was television and parents could just plop their kids in front of that and throw on a VHS of Aladdin to keep them occupied for 90 minutes. They get tired of watching movies, give them video games. TV is great. The only problem is that TV doesn’t really travel well…

Snow Re-moving

A few weeks ago, New York City had its second biggest snow storm on record. Now, I’ve been in New York for some other snow storms that I didn’t think were handled all that well but I assumed even the best of us make mistakes. I wasn’t going to label New York as incapable of dealing with snow using such a small sample size. Now, though, I’m ready to use that label…

Picking on Kids

I don’t hate kids and I don’t think they’re stupid, they just don’t know very much. So my message to the children who put up this sign up in their classroom, life isn’t fair: It was hung in a preschool-looking classroom at a YMCA that is used as a practice space by adults at night.… Continue reading Picking on Kids