Party scheduling tradition

photo credit: woodleywonderworks via photopin cc

It’s Halloween on a Thursday. What a confusing day for Halloween to be on. When to party? I was invited to four Halloween parties last Friday, six days before Halloween. I found out some people are planning on partying tomorrow, November 1st. Now, I’ll never tell people not to party but when I hear about… Continue reading Party scheduling tradition

My first year in sketch comedy

366 days ago I had my first live sketch show with Dictator’s Time Machine and it was at ImprovBoston‘s Sketch Cagematch. I’ve always liked watching sketch but it wasn’t really on my radar until I was asked to fill in an actor-role for one show. A year later and I’m still performing with them. Now… Continue reading My first year in sketch comedy

The Rescue: A Halloween Mad Lib

I’m big into Mad Libs (henceforth referred to here as Matt Libs). I’m not sure why but I always have a good time with them and it’s fun to see which of your friends don’t know what an adverb is (and sometimes, more shockingly, a noun). Well I came across this Halloween WackyLib I did… Continue reading The Rescue: A Halloween Mad Lib

The Island of Misfit Costumes

It’s the last 10 days before Halloween night and I’ve thought a lot about costumes. My usual choice is something weird or otherwise confusing. For example, a couple of years ago I dressed up as Slutty French Fries (pictured), a play on the idea that the cliché girl costume is always a slutty version of… Continue reading The Island of Misfit Costumes