Comedy can be good, is subjective

photo credit: betta design via photopin cc

I watch what I consider smart comedy. It sounds pretentious, and that’s because it is, but I like my comedy to be original and make me think. That being said, I had a strange experience after seeing a taping of Comedy Central’s The Half Hour. At these tapings, they have each comic perform for roughly… Continue reading Comedy can be good, is subjective

Crowdsourcing my value as a person

photo credit: batmoo via photopin cc

Comedy contests are literally my least favorite part of trying to make my way as a comedian. Literally my least favorite part? Yes. Literally.

Hack Comedy

In stand-up comedy, I strive to be as original as I can be. I’m not sure if anyone would admit to being unoriginal. Even Nickelback probably thinks they’re original at what they do, but I’ll take Modest Mouse or Brand New over them any day. Same as I’d rather listen to David Cross or Patton… Continue reading Hack Comedy