A Shirt Past Its Prime

I’m not much of a poet but…

A man wears a humorous FCUK shirt,
The world let’s out a sigh.

That’s what I thought the other day when a man walked by me in a plain white t-shirt with black letters that read, “I don’t give a FCUK.” (Typoglycemia at work.) A quick glance at the French Connection’s online store tells me that they no longer sell those stupid shirts (though they still have plenty of other awful $40 graphic tees). I also haven’t seen anyone wearing a shirt like that in years. I guess this guy was just rummaging through his clothes and found that gem. It may even be his favorite shirt!

The other day I found my co-ed naked shirt, which read “COED NAKED HIKING IT’S EASIER ON BOTTOM BUT BETTER ON TOP,” or something like that. I can’t check the exacting wording because upon finding the shirt I promptly donated it rather than let it continue to remind me that I ever thought that was funny enough to buy. Nevermind wearing it again.

Sometimes I hear people’s crazy assertions that they don’t look good enough or dress nice enough to visit Manhattan. That is, of course, silly. New York is full of beautiful people but I get around just fine with my average looks, build, and sense of style (I assume it’s my above-average personality that anyone talks to me). That being said, don’t wear FCUK shirts anywhere but especially don’t wear it in New York just because it comes from a fancy store.

By Matt Aromando

Stand-up, improv, and sketch comedian.

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