Monthly Mottos: December

There’s no way to know for certain which of the months is shortest but it sure feels like it might be December. Year after year, December just flies by. The month (very) unofficially begins the day after Thanksgiving, or Brick Friday as it’s known by some, and everyone subconsciously wants to get as far away from that day as quickly as possible. I usually ignore it, except that year I spent $1,500 for a new TV, stereo, and Blu-ray player, but that was just once!

Well, Brick Friday kicks off the holiday season and suddenly every weekend has plans already, so there’s no use trying to get anything done or making more plans. Christmas happens for pretty much everyone, Christian or not, for a million reasons but the easiest to explain is that most stores and businesses are closed.

New Year’s resolutions from the previous January have been forgotten until the week before the calendar dies and that week is over quicker than December (which is absolutely true by definition of a week)!

Finally, the sun sets crazy early every day. Getting out of work when it’s already dark out, what’s the deal with that?

Anyways, December’s motto is:

December, the shortest month of the year.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

photo credit: Inching Along… via photopin (license)

By Matt Aromando

Stand-up, improv, and sketch comedian.

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