I would like you to look at me

Newsletter previewI’m starting a newsletter…about me. Well, actually it’s about the things I do, which, makes it about me. Double actually, I do a lot of things with other people, so it’s about them too. But, mostly me. Though it’s also for you! I want, admittedly for selfish reasons, everyone to keep up with what I’m doing. I happen to think it’s worth paying attention to, which is why I do it. However, now with all the Facebooking and Twittering and, I dunno, Pinning, it’s harder to check websites like mine which don’t actually have news and aren’t updated every day. I don’t blame people, it just forces me to try different methods of getting the word out. That brings me to this newsletter idea.

I don’t talk much about my day job in this space but I’m the senior web developer for a marketing company. A big part of that job is creating emails (including newsletters) and sending them out to people. I guess that’s important for you to know because this is kind of second nature to me and I like doing it. The idea of creating this newsletter is a fun experiment for me. I used to do a lot more amateur web development before having this job but I’ve stopped doing as much recently and I miss it.

No hard feelings if you don’t want to subscribe but I do follow the CAN-SPAM guidelines, so if you want to try it out for a little while, you can always unsubscribe later.

But for now, please subscribe! As an extra special incentive, I’ll be releasing one of my recent stand-up videos (something I rarely do) exclusively to subscribers!

By Matt Aromando

Stand-up, improv, and sketch comedian.

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