Monthly Mottos: February

February comes and goes so fast, I’d better get this motto out before I forget:

“February, look how short it is!”

February is a seriously silly month. It’s ridiculous, 28 days most years and 29 every four. What is that? It’s a giant rounding error for how long it takes the Earth to move. And 28 days? There are months with 31! Surely they could share…

I’m sorry. This is comedy that is beneath me. There really isn’t a joke there, but I went on a rant. February got me monologuing. Though, February’s occasional 29th day does remind me of something. I think it would be amazing to have my birthday on leap day. I would insist I only had a birthday every four years (because of course it would be true). I would throw amazing parties just because they was so rare. I would tell people I was 10 if I was “40” (because I’m annoying like that). I’d still go to bars of course, I wouldn’t throw my life away but I would totally need to own that oddity.

I also wish I had a friend born on lead day. I don’t know if I’ve ever even met someone born on leap day, maybe they keep it secret. They must know that if I ever found out, I would never stop talking about it (again, because I’m annoying like that).

Maybe if I ever have kids, it can be planned so they’ll be born on leap day. Science has come a long way…

By Matt Aromando

Stand-up, improv, and sketch comedian.

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